Sunday, June 22, 2008


So as of late this afternoon I am, once again, officially . . . 


I've had a few roommates in my day (okay, so nine.  Yep NINE!  And that's not counting kids!) so I guess I could be considered a pro.  But I'm feeling a bit out of practice!  Do you know what she had the nerve to bring in here today?


I'm not sure my pantry has ever been so full!  I swear my kitchen is actually giddy with anticipation!

So yes, Cousin Abby finally arrived today and, in addition to packing the pantry, she filled up the guest bath with all sorts of girly foo-foo and Abbyized the guest room.  And you know what?  I'm pretty thrilled!  I've been living alone for a couple of years now and even though I really do LOVE IT, the thought of having some summer company sounds rather delightful!  We've already been laughing our guts out and the summer has just begun!  You can be sure there will be further postings on all the adventures we manage to find together!

Welcome Home Abby!

Hang On Tight Cause Here We GO!

a post without pictures?  *gasp*

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