A few weeks ago my nice, neat, friendly, QUIET neighbor, Jesus, packed up and moved out of state. :( Abby and I have been watching the new neighbors--dreaded RENTERS--move into Jesus' well kept property. Before Jesus left he came to say his goodbyes and to offer me a few words of reassurement. He said, "They church people. They have only few visitors. Be good neighbors. But if they not, call me." He gave me his new number (and I promised to call the moment I saw smoke boiling out of his windows) and that was the last I saw of him. As the new Church People Neighbors moved in, they certainly caused a few raised eyebrows here at the Estrogen Castle. Abby, initially, showed the most distain for what she calls their "Light-blue ghetto-beater-Minivan" (ironic since she herself parks a light blue Shaggin-Wagon MINIVAN in my garage every night). That part was funny haha--ghetto-beater minivan--and, even though they are an eye-sore, ghetto-beaters are tolerable. And then the birds arrived. Chirpy birds. Like twenty of them all causing a Chirp Chirp RIOT out on Churchy's patio. And I was annoyed. I seriously contemplated violence, even death by pellet gun but Abby said she sort of liked their Chirp Chirp Riot. I decided to accept the riot and even tried really hard to like it too. One night Michael, Abby and I were sitting out on my patio and it suddenly occurred to me that I could hear the peeping of . . . could it be . . . CHICKS? As in baby chickens? And I swear I just heard a goose! Yep, Churchy likes birds. Of all kinds, shapes, sizes and ages. Even CHICKENS! Growing up, we always had chickens running around (and sometimes chasing me) and there is one thing about chickens that is still very vivid in my memory . . .
Oh, yes, and two days after Churchy moved in, his young little rooster learned to
Now I am really annoyed. The Chirp Chirp Riot was one thing, but crowing? That's just downright ridiculous! AND NOW . . .
they have become FREE RANGE CHICKENS . . .
my covert, hold-the-phone-over-the-fence, picture!
they are certainly some NASTY looking chickens too!
Which means my kids are suddenly extremely interested in what is going on on the other side of that fence!
Some of us are not only extremely interested but extremely determined as well. Dachsunds are born DIGGERS. Coupled with the fact that Jackson is also a proven CHICKEN KILLER (he butchered FIVE one spring) we have a serious problem at my house! I hate the chickens and I really, reeeeaaaally want to let Jackson finish that hole he started under the fence! >:)
stay tuned. you can be sure there will be more to my
do you think the chicken obsession might stem from the fact that i constantly feed them costco chicken jerky treats?
OH! Tess, You are Sooo Funny!!! I just love & anxiously await each new blog. Keep up the good work!!!
OR better yet make a BOOK ??
Love ya, Grandma B.
Good Morning Girlfriend! You are being discovered! What a hoot it is reading about your aventures.
Love, Aunt Dora
Awesome hilarious!
and I cannot wait for your mudhole post! :)
love ya!
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