Tuesday night Danielle, Daimon, Jessie and I headed to the fair to see the Gary Allan concert. Well, that was our intent at least! Unfortunately tons of traffic and then nightmarish parking prevented us from actually making it to the concert in time. We got to hear a few songs as we walked across the parking lot though! We decided that although we wouldn't be able to find seats at the free, limited-seating concert we might as well enjoy the fair itself! We all found something delicious and extraordinarily expensive to eat and then walked around a bit. I personally love the sights and sounds of the fair--especially once the sun sets! However, it is a bitter sweet experience for me because somehow it signals the end of summer. I am so not ready for summer to be over yet! Regardless of totally missing the concert, I thoroughly enjoyed myself! A true adventurer finds adventure ANYWHERE and that is just what I did! I even did BRAVE THINGS!
thanks jessie for taking all these crazy pictures!

the goat gang mauled me!
i didn't really dig the buffalo slobber nor the WATUSI (he was kinda scary)!

i love jerseys cows! us big, brown eyed girls have to stick together!
and i got to milk a cow too but it seemed so violent and unkind to that poor cow's

"i milked a cow at the state fair"

and definitely washed my hands afterward!

this was my one BRAVE THING!
the sting rays CREEPED ME OUT even before i touched them but even more so afterward!
i made a deal with the kid standing next to me (he was scared too).
we would both touch one at the same time. and we did!
not gonna do it again though! creepy, slimy, icky fish!

the state fair is all about obnoxious so danielle bought daimon an obnoxiously large dora!

i'm not sure if danielle was more embarrassed to be seen with DORA or ME,
either way she did not want her picture taken!

jessie winning a fair frog.

daimon and danielle playing the quarters game.
this was the most HILARIOUS part of the evening!
daimon got carried away and accidentally flung his PRIZE DINOSAUR when he threw a quarter. it hit the CARNIE right in the eye! the guy kept saying, "that kid threw a dinosaur at me!" come on, haven't we all wanted to throw a dinosaur or two at a carnie?! way to throw daimon!

danielle and i
even though she was the TEXT QUEEN all night, i'm the one wearing the PRINCESS TIARA!
1 comment:
Dear Sweet Tess
I looked at all your wonderful pictures that are after the fun fair night...you really should do something with your talent! Your summer has been amazing with its share of ups and downs but you found some fun! My summer is a pair of dusty work boots...
love you mom
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