WHY, OH, WHY . . .
do the batteries in smoke alarms always run dead in the
At my house dead smoke alarm batteries mean more than that annoyingly random chirping. Jackson is TERRIFIED of the chirping and FREAKS at the very first chirp! As was the case this week, I'm never awakened by the actual chirping of the alarm. I am startled awake by a violently shaking, pathetically chubby dog panting frantically and drooling disgustingly on my face. I know even before I hear the evil chirp myself what is going on and I immediately stumble for my 9 volt battery reserve.

While I was trying to identify the exact smoke alarm with the battery disability (which is surprisingly difficult at 4:30 in the morning) Jackson and Sadie ran for the comfort of Cousin Abby. I love their beady little glowing eyes in this picture! Also, Abby had, conveniently enough, fallen asleep with her light on thereby allowing all of you to see not only her messy room but the fact that she was sleeping in a bed without sheets on it! Silly girl. Evil Alarm!
First it is the Chirp Chirp Riot next door and now a Chirp Chirping Smoke Alarm?
I'm on the fast track to CRAZY!
1 comment:
its Murphy's Law you know! we have had that phenomenon happen many a time!
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