I usually go to the mountains for the Fourth of July but this year, with my parents being out of town, I decided to spend the Fourth doing something completely untraditional! My darling friend Danielle said she was going to the Demolition Derby in her hometown of Homedale and asked if I would be interested in going. Well of course I was! I've seen a few small demolition derbies at the Meridian Speedway but never been to an entire event dedicated to crash 'em up action!
Almost immediately upon arriving I decided one thing rather quickly,
maybe next year!

After the derby there were fireworks (of course) which Danielle, her friend Shasta and I watched from the Beer Garden! I guess I was sticking with the whole Untraditional theme! However, I have to admit, watching the fireworks from the Beer Garden at the Homedale Rodeo grounds certainly paled in comparison to my traditional viewing of them over Lake Cascade! Regardless, Homedale knows how to demo it up! I had an absolute blast which seems to me to be an entirely appropriate, if untraditional, way to celebrate the Fourth of July!

danielle, shasta and I
But since I'm on the subject of Homedale . . .

My friend Danielle, grew up on Homedale. She looks normal enough, don't you think? However, after spending some time "socializing" in Homedale after the derby, I'M NOT SURE HOW THAT IS POSSIBLE! Homedale is one strange community! I grew up in a small town too but WE DIDN'T DO THINGS LIKE THEY DO IN HOMEDALE! There were times when I was actually frightened! I learned that you introduce yourself to someone by first stating who you are RELATED to! From what I can tell, EVERYONE in Homedale is somehow related to each other! Turns out the derby is one big family reunion! Since Danielle and Shasta know just about everybody in Homedale, we did alot of "socializing!" I went in knowing not a shred of information about Homedale itself, let alone its 2,000 residents but now . . . I know enough gossip and have met enough people, I might just be mistaken for a Homedalian myself! In fact, by the wee hours of the morning, I apparently fit in enough that Scary Larry mistook me for a local and snatched me up, right there in the park! He said we were dancing but it felt more like a violent molestation to me! I guess in Homedale, they call the horror of what happened to me in the park on July 4, 2008, SWING DANCING. Only in Homedale, Idaho!
Do you know what is going on with Chester?????
if you know anything please email me at bedtime_b@yahoo.com
thanx my name is Tiauna
I love love love this blog!! I'm from Homedale, always have been. And I stumbled upon this little blog and realized that almost all of it is true! Homedale is one of those strange towns to everyone else, but once you get used to it, it's all sooo much fun(: And Homedale is a beautiful little country town. I had alot of fun reading this, thanks!!
~Caitlin(from Homedale) (:
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