Sunday, July 27, 2008


Oh did I ever have my skills tested this weekend!

The Bridgewater Family contacted me to do
a portrait session with their grandchildren.

that's alot of kids for one photographer!

But they were fun a group and, as always, I feel honored to have partaken of their family for an afternoon!

these are always my very favorite portraits!


Anonymous said...

I now see why you are truly a professional photographer! Wow!
I love the "river dogs" section also - I think Jackson looks sort of like a hot dog with a bun in that life vest.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Comment is from Aunt Dora.

Anonymous said...

Whoa outstanding pictures. Time to change the profession me thinks and clean for a hobby. You can do it!! and write write write you are truly gifted my sweet child. love mom

Amy and Cole said...

I love your work! I can't wait for you to do my wedding!!!! You are so amazing!!!! P.S. I miss you!