This isn't the sort of blog I normally post and it is certainly a difficult one for me. Today a dear friend, and one of this blog's closest followers, is fighting for her life. Last night she, her husband and their two small boys were in a truly horrible small plane crash in downtown Anchorage. Stacie, Preston and 2 year old Hudson survived the accident but are all in critical condition in a Portland burn unit. Tragically, four year old Myles did not survive. The photos of the crash site are simply horrifying. It is absolutely sickening to know that a family you know and love are in that plane! At this time they are saying Stacie has suffered third degree (or greater) burns to 49% of her body. Her chances of survival are slim. However, she is still clinging to life at this time. Please pray for Stacie and the healing of this little family that is so dear to my heart! And remember her sweet baby boy . . .

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