Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wonder Woman Strikes Again!

My parents had weekend reservations at what my mom likes to call The Cormell Bed and Breakfast.  However, since they prefer to sleep on the couches instead of in the guest bed and I NEVER cook them breakfast, I'm still working on a more appropriate name for what my house often becomes on the weekends.  Cormell Couches and Canines?  Cormell Cottage and Take-Out Service?  The Bungalow on Hysteria Lane?  Chateaux Le Dachsund IsEating De KitchenFloor?  Yeah, I'll keep working on it!  Anyway, my parents have been extremely supportive of this Wonder Woman phase I've been going thorough.  In fact, Dad is so excited about my independent streak, immediately after arriving, he ran right into the guest bathroom and BROKE the toilet--just so I would have something to fix!  Isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard!  You're the GREATEST, Dad!

So, yes, I fixed the toilet by myself too!  Although Dad supervised he was so good about letting me do it myself!  He even let me struggle and grunt and groan without stepping in!  By the way, Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey, doesn't apply to that little plasticy bolt that holds the flusher thing on!  (Hey, I might be Wonder Woman but I'll admit I have some work to do on using the correct terminology!)  Although I'm rather enjoying this fix-it-myself business, I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous about what's coming next!

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Woo-Hoo, Wonder Woman!
Proud of ya! I JUST downloaded the wonder woman theme song to my player on the blog!
Love the ideas for your alternative to a bed and breakfast! Hilarious
Checkin' out the blog....