It took me three days and at least five hours of attempting to dry the same load of laundry before it occurred to me there might be something wrong with the dryer. I'll admit I was obnoxiously slow in recognizing the problem but as soon as I realized that not only were the three-days-in-the-dryer clothes still disgustingly damp but icy cold as well, I felt that familiar ache of dread settle in my stomach. It might have taken me three days to find the wet clothes but it only took me 2.5 seconds to to diagnose my dryer's disease. The Dryer Demons had corrupted the very soul of my beloved appliance! I don't know how many of you have had your dryer's very soul corrupted, but for a single woman this has the potential to be one of those little events I like to call "overwhelming catastrophes." So I did what every seasoned single woman does when she faces a life-altering crisis such as this. I called my dad. Dad and I discussed Dryer's symptoms and agreed that indeed it sounded as if the element had gone bad--again. We both recalled a similar case of dread I had acquired less than a year ago when the Dryer Demons initially struck this very same dryer. We discussed the unfairness of life, the possibility of buying a demon-resistant element this go around and lastly how long it would be before he could come to my rescue. However, before we hung up I had the nerve to ask a question I had never asked him before! Can I fix this by myself? I'm not sure what Dad truly believed in his heart but he was encouraging and reminded me I could always call him either for advice or for sympathy when I had managed to shock the living daylights out of myself. However, whether I decided wait for my knight to arrive or risk the rudeness of a 22o volt jolt myself, I needed to find a replacement part for Dryer.
I woke up this morning with motivation coursing through me! The sun was shining and my supply of clean underwear was running dangerously low. What a perfect day for braving All Brands Appliance Parts and Replacement Souls! As I headed into Boise I called ahead to ensure that a replacement soul would be waiting for me once I arrived. The man who answered the phone was so helpful . . . and nosy! After asking me a series of rather personal questions regarding my dreadful situation he suddenly got quiet for a moment. When he spoke again it was to utter this question: "Are YOU putting this in YOURSELF?" I was initially stunned but then suddenly more motivated than I have been in my entire life! You're damn right I'm putting it in myself! Oh but wait! This was only the beginning of his motivational speech! He continued, "I'll tell you what you need to do. You need to go out into your garage to the circuit breaker. Open it up and make sure that for some reason the breaker to the dryer isn't tripped." Right then I prayed with all my heart for a mysterious bolt of lighting to flash from the clear blue sky, straight through the phone line at All Brands Appliance and directly into the earpiece. As I assured Mr. All Brands Appliance, who, for the purposes of brevity, will henceforth be referred to as Asshole, that there was clearly power to my dryer, my determination to repair my dryer myself neared overwhelming! When I arrived to actually pick up my part, Asshole fetched it for me rather quickly, looked me over and wished me luck. "Good luck Kido." Thanks Asshole.
So I DID fix my dryer by myself today and I have NEVER been more PROUD of myself! In fact, I think I am just about the coolest chick around! I not only fixed my dryer myself but I managed to complete the entire repair in under 15 minutes, there were no parts left over when I was finished, and the house didn't even catch fire! And I learned something new about myself too. I whistle when I work! Well, actually I sing. Although you'll have to provide your own tune, it goes something like this, "I don't need no . . . stinking men." If I had known how utterly fantastic repairing a dryer could make me feel, I would have started doing it ages ago (or at least last year when the element when out the first time)!
I fixed a dryer today.
As Aunt Dora would say we big strong Viking women can do anything!!! I loved this story. I knew you could do it and prove to yourself that men ....well I better quit here as others might read it. You come from a great, great grandma who built a rock house all by herself! You also come from strong women who came by wagon train, and some who were born on the train; don't forget your Cherokee heritage.Looking forword to more of your photos and stories love you sweetie mom
Anonymous #1 is SO RIGHT!!!! I loved your story- so funny. You came from GOOD Stock all around. I also liked your pics on your new blog. Course I like you, too. Now I'll see if this works, Luv ya always. Grandma B.
WOOO-HOOOO!!! I do not claim to be a feminist but WOOO-HOOO! In our heart of hearts we all want to be able to take care of ourselves, don't we!? Well, this was awesome. I should have read on before afore mentioned queries of your peace or hurts. YOU ROCK GIRL! I am proud of ya.
Keep it comin'~~~
Perfect combination of tears, laughter and 'Hell, Yah!!'
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