In accordance with what is becoming an annual tradition for me, I spent New Year's Eve with the McNamaras! We spent a quiet evening together, playing with the kids, watching movies and for some of us, sleepily waiting for the new year to arrive. (Don't worry Amber, I won't mention the names of those who were so sleepy, so early)! I have come to LOVE spending the last hours of each year with a family that is so full of energy, love, and laughter! This year was made especially memorable for me by Miss Anna! Super shy Anna, who I have learned to keep at least a six foot distance from at all times, crawled up on the sofa next to me. She leaned over, kissed my arm and then gave me a great big hug! And then we got to play together!!! I can count, on one hand, the number of times I have held Anna since she was born so her FINALLY warming up to me, made my heart absolutely SING! We had such fun together and I soaked up her every laugh and giggle!
As I mentioned earlier, some us were getting pretty sleepy before the clock struck midnight.
Feeling badly, I decided to leave the heavy-lidded McNamaras a bit early myself.
And as I was leaving their subdivision . . . adventure beckoned!
At first I wasn't sure where I would find my midnight adventure.
But I knew I had 30 minutes and a full tank of gas to find it!

Growing up I remember tuning in to Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve broadcast to watch the ball drop in Times Square. As I was reminiscing of years past, I had a brilliant idea!
I too would have a ROCKIN' New Year's Eve!
(yeah so i'm obviously still working on self-portraits with my new phone)
I had just enough time to make it to the Snake River!

I picked out a rock . . .

and with just minutes to spare, ran out onto the dock!
As the waters of the mighty Snake flowed past me in the pitch black of the night, I let the memories of 2008 come flooding back. With an incredibly sincere smile upon my face, I felt the weight of the rock in my hand--the weight of all that had happened in the past year. As the clock rolled over to 2009 I pulled back and let my rock fly! It sailed through the darkness and produced the most spectacular "sploosh" in the crisp night air. I did my famous Super Happy Arms-Spread-Wide Spin and whispered "Bring on 2009!"

And then, as the distant rural community fired celebratory gun shots, I dashed back to my truck. Gotta admit,
ROCKIN' New Year's Eve celebrations are pretty dark and creepy!
However, I am thrilled my new year began with an adventure of my very favorite kind--both solo and spontaneous! I am glad I took a moment to remember the past and then give it a mighty release and I am super proud that as I stood there on that dock, alone, I was genuinely filled with peace and contentment. What a truly amazing way to start a new year!
I can't wait to see what adventures 2009 will bring!
LOVED this post! Felt your elation experience with Anna-Bear while your Mcs were here with us. And wow, your ROCKin New Year's Eve...loved it. Wishing you a great 2009!
I love you to death! You crack me up to no end!!! I love how you rang in the new year! Congrats on another wonderful adventure Tess! Love you!
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