I just have to say I LOVE MY PARENTS! I got a phone call tonight from my mom. She asked me, (clearly knowing the answer to her question before she even bothered to ask it) "Do you want an Eagle Firefighters Calendar?" WELL OF COURSE I DO! (I might even need TWO)! She explained that she and Dad were reading today's newspaper and came across an article about the soon to be published calendar. And WHO instantly came to mind? It is truly fantastic to have parents who KNOW YOU SO WELL! They obviously know their eldest daughter is a ~HUGE~ fan of . . . um, uh . . . CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS and would simply jump and the chance to look at scantly clad firemen all year--I MEAN, donate to such a worthy cause! I think every single woman is looking for a way to give back to her community. Since I too want to do my part, you can be sure I'm on the waiting list for my 2009 Eagle Firefighter Calendar in hopes of bolstering the Eagle Fire Burnout Fund (and more than likely, my morale). If you too are in love with firemen (or maybe just their charitable works), visit their website and get on the waiting list yourself. The faster we order them, the sooner they'll be printed--and they do promise to be truly BEAUTIFUL! ")
Hi Tess,
Thank you for your appreciation for the work we have done on the Eagle Fire Calendar. We had a lot of fun shooting it, and the guys are really excited about the prospect of raising money for the burnout fund. It will be thanks to folks like you who are helping get the word out on blogs like this and Facebook, that the calendar will succeed! keep up the good work and keep telling your friends!
Eric Jacky
Love this one sweet daughter! Firefighters hmmm must be leftover "ash" from your mom and dad being firefighters... its in your blood!I think I would like one of those calenders too...not dad though.
love mom
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